Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Wii

Nintendo has outdone themselves by creating one of the best game consoles made....EVER!!!! The Wii. Our family has enjoyed having this as part of our household for about 3 months now, and I must say, it has definitely brought our family together. Hahahaha. And torn us apart at the same time. Just kidding. Anyhoo...this game, more specifically, Mario Kart Wii, brings out the good, the bad, and the ugly out of everyone. The focus. The drive. The motivation. You would think that these people were going after that million dollar opportunity. Nope. It's the big number "1" that fills their screen after the race is over that they're all after. Huh....who knew.

But I have to admit, that I've had my moments of addiction. We recently fixed our router, so now we are able to go online with the Wii and download the old school Nintendo games. Games like, Super Mario Brothers favorite video game of ALL TIME!!!!! Well, that and Sonic...but that's another blog. Anyhoo...I've found myself totally addicted to that game. All I think about while I'm at school and work is going home just to play that game. Just yesterday, my SIL texted me while I was at work, asking how to fly in Super Mario Brothers 3. After I called her and gave her instructions, I couldn't focus at work anymore. Not to mention that it was totally slow. So, I had someone else come in and work for me so I could go home. PUH-THE-TIC I know!!!

The Wii has been on non-stop this weeked, especially since it was a long weekend, and we've all been pretty much non-productive. Hahahaha. Except for blogging that is. But now that its the first day of school for me since the long weekend, I'm thrust back into the real world. Hopefully I won't experience too many withdrawals...otherwise I'm screwed!!! Ahhhhhh! Help...I'm a Wii-aholic!!!!


Live Well, Laugh Often, Love Much said...

You're too funny Ui!

Keo's said...

You said it sister!

***~_Bunz_~*** said...

Wii is the BOMB!!! I'm so there with ya sas!

NeenaLove said...

uhhh yeah... totally addicted here as well!

i just downloaded galaga on monday night and legend of zelda. i already had super mario 3, dr mario, and tetris. it's been wayyyyy too much fun!

mariokart rocks my world and we are also in EXTREME competition!

Line said...

At least you recognize you have an addiction. That's the first step in the road to recovery. Hahahaha

hine.T said...

Looks like it's gonna be a LOOOOONG semester for you! LMAO!

Luela said...

Is Wii really that fun? Ever since we started playing World of Warcraft we don't really care much for any other games. WoW is waaaay too much fun. I wish we came to One's for Christmas then we could've played with you guys. Anyway ttyl!