Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Presentation, Presentation, Presentation!!!

So label me the QUEEN of procrastination. Yes...I haven't learned my lesson, and continue to leave things at the last minute. I know you're all probably thinking...."oka...broken record already." But I just had to share. I have three presentations today. Two are on the papers that I've written earlier this semester, and the last being a group project. So...after a long week of relaxation and lazines...I accomplished NOTHING. Yup...there's that procrastination again. But how could I resist lounging on the couch, in front of the t.v. all week while my "roomies" were all in Wakiki??? Hahahaha. So leave it to me to prep my first presentation at 6:00 this morning.

But...the important thing is I got it done, and it went pretty well. Lucky for me the person who went first took up half the class, so the teacher was more interested in me finishing in time than in the presentation itself. Hahahahaha. Gotta love Dr. Jonassen. Always a stickler for time. But aside from my earring falling off in the middle of the presentation (I have no idea how that happened), and my inability to pronounce "Linda Lingle", it went pretty well. So I'm looking forward to a good grade. Whew. Relief. Now that's one down...and two more to go!


Unknown said...

Good can do it!!

Luela said...

UIIIII give us the scoops on couponing!!!! Call me!!! Maybe we can get together with Honey Girl maybe she could do a workshop!

Unknown said...

alright! good job! I am such a procrastinator too!