Saturday, February 13, 2010

the office

the past week i have been a prisoner in my room. all because of this...

this show is so freakin' hilarious!!!! i don't know how i went so long without it.

but curse you for being the cause of my inproducitvity!



Unknown said...

I agree. That show is hilarious!

Karessie said...

buahahaha. my mom HATES when we watch it. HAHAHA. she doesn't get it. BUT i LOVE it!!! I love how it takes the "mundane" things of life and makes them funny so when you're sitting somewhere (say, relief society and the t.v. screen has the "DVD" player screen saver on- the one where the logo bounces around the screen???) you think to yourself about the episode of the office, where during a meeting, everyone was not listening to michael's speech and were instead, waiting, watching, HOPING, for the logo to HIT THE CORNER. hahahahahaha

like i said, mundane things become funny :D :D