Monday, November 23, 2009

Lunch and Elephants

Ok...I just had to blog about this. I dad's little moments has definitely gotten me back into the blogging world. I mean...who else is gonna document these things right?! LOL! My brother shared this with me and the rest of the facebook I thought I'd share it with my fellow bloggers.

As I mentioned in a previous post, my dad has discovered the wonderful world of texting. So here's another hilarious conversation he had with my brother. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. And for those of you who KNOW my dad...I'm sure you will.

DAD: Boy-Son, when is lunch?

BROTHER: You gotta wait, I have a conference call at 12pm, we go after

DAD: WOW, you just elephant your way out of lunch ah!

BROTHER: What is 'elephant your way out', huh?

DAD: You know, elephants, they just shove guys on the side

Oka!!!!!!! Where does he GET this stuff!!!! First THIS!!! I swear he has a hidden dictionary full of his own slang hidden somewhere. Gotta love it!

picture courtesy of:


hine.T said...

Oka...can't believe your braddah neva know what dat means...or do I jus listen to old folks wala'au too much? lol

Karlee and Micah said...

Micah is rolling right now after reading your texting posts
*exclamatory mark*

karebear said...

Haha! That is too funny.