Thursday, February 10, 2011

facebook quotes

i have recently downsized my facebook friends list to about 100+, just keeping those i keep in contact with on a steady basis. and when new friend requests come in, i'm pretty picky on who i accept and who i ignore. recently, one of my coworkers requested to be a friend, and her newsfeed updates have been nothing but uplifting. her most recent status shared a quote that i found totally blogworthy:

history, depsite its wrenching pain...cannot be unlived...and when faced...with courage, need not be lived again.
-maya angelou

*sigh* thank you ms. angelou...for the uplifting reminder that i shouldn't let my past affect my future.

1 comment:

lilika'imoana said...

i lovelovelove maya angelou--in fact i even just recently wrote a post about her too. she is extremely talented w words! and sooooo insightful!