Thursday, November 4, 2010

my first kiss

first word that comes to mind when i think of my first kiss: awkward

hahaha. yes. very true. it was in a movie theater. as we were walking out after the movie ended. and as i turned around to say something to him, he kissed me. weird. what made it worse, there were people behind us trying to leave too. it was another couple...who gave us dirty looks as they walked by. i remember THAT. nailz. i also remember thinking..."this fool couldn't wait til these people left." but rest assured...that was my ONLY instance of PDA....even if the public population consisted of 2. lol. so there you have first awkward


Unknown said...

omg ui. you said it, NAILZ!! how awkward! but then again i think all first kisses are pretty awkward. ;)

Line said...

bahahahaha!!! hated my first kiss. awkward. not with anyone i really even liked. stupid. NAILZ. LOL